Graeme Simpson

Wednesday 28th October 2015

I started lessons with Stuart due to moving into the area having initially received some high quality tuition in my old home town so I was a little apprehensive about starting with a new tutor.
I am very pleased to say I wasn't disappointed at all. Stuart offered high quality reliable tuition. He saw me through the final 5 months of my tuition and I managed to pass my test first time.
I found Stuart had a very thorough approach to teaching, and explained things carefully ensuring that I fully understood what was been taught and I had plenty of opportunities to practice any manouvers I was struggling with.
He also offered a variety of helpful extras with mock tests, and the opportunity to have a mock test with another tutor which  gave the real experience of driving in front of somebody new.
In addition, I found his time keeping excellent, and he didn't actually miss an appointment in the 5 months I received tuition. 
His aim is to get you through your test as quickly, but more importantly as safely as possible. He won't put anyone in for a test until they are ready, but he also won't hold anyone back if they are near test standard. He is very patient and does have a good sense of humour as well so lessons are never too intense yet by the end of the lesson, I always felt I had achieved a lot..
I am now looking forward to doing the pass plus with Stuart in a few weeks.
Graeme Simpson
